Midterms Are Over!

Midterms are finally over! 

Although I have many more assignments ahead of me and another exam in two weeks, I feel soooo relieved. I feel like I've been holding my breath, and now that my last exam for the week is done I can breathe in the fresh, fall air!

This week was way less stressful than my first exam week, and I am thankful for that. I guess I now know how to better balance the classes and how to study for them. Because before, I did not know how the exams even looked like (multiple choice, short answer, etc..) or what to expect. Now that I know my professors better and have gone through exam week before, I feel more calm and prepared.

My favorite part about getting my exams done is closing all the tabs off my laptop. You don't understand how much material and references I need in order to study effectively. I have a periodic table open here, some power points there, homework assignments here, and my notes everywhere. My laptop is just covered in notes, and being able to see my pretty desktop again is very pleasing to the eye.

All I can think of is a nice, long LUSH bath, Netflix, sleeping in, and more blogging! Of course, this is not going to last forever, so I am probably going to spoil myself this weekend, then get back to studying Monday... yay...

I hope you guys had a successful midterm week (if you had one) and I hope it only gets better from here!


  1. Hey babes! So I've recently followed your blog & love it! It's lovely! I've nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! All the details can be found here http://lauannxoxo.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/one-lovely-blog-award.html ! Check it out babes! xxx

  2. Hi Samantha! I just found your blog through the lovely Lauann xo- she tagged me in the One Lovely Blog Award as well. I just checked out some of your posts and they're super helpful! Especially the how to be productive/organized type posts :D


  3. Congratulations on finishing your midterms! I know that's a good feeling!

  4. Best feeling ever - congratulations! I can't wait until I can say that.

    Mina | Cream Coloured Ponies
