Blogspot Beginner's Guide: Creating a Blog

So you want to start blogging, eh? Well, I can help! 

Over the course of seven months, I have learned how to use Blogspot on my own. Yes, it took me seven months when I could have just googled it, but I like to keep some things for experience. I know there are probably a lot of posts out there that can help you manage your way around Blogger/Blogspot {Which one is it, right?}, but I wanted to add my own twist to it.

I've recently helped a couple of friends start a blog, and they are mastering Blogspot in a matter of days! The awesome thing about Blogspot is that it is not confusing - just a little bit of effort in familiarizing yourself around the website.

Blogspot is connected with Google Mail, or Gmail! So if you do not already have a Gmail account, you should make one!

Your first step in making a blog is heading to, and you may be directed to a page that asks you to confirm your profile. You want to say yes!

What this does is link your Google+ profile to your Blogspot account, so your photos and information will be linked to your blog - whether or not you want to show that, it's up to you!

Oh, look! There's a button that says:
"New Blog" {Create your blog now} 
Yupp, click that button!

A pop-up window will show this:

The Difference Between Title and Address:

   ▸ Title is essentially your website's name, but this can be changed at any time and very easily! At first, my website was called "Samantha's Southern Soul" when I had a partner, but now it is called "Livin' On Brightside."

   ▸ Address is your URL address followed by Blogspot's domain "" Of course, it has to be unique and available for grabs! So this is what you use when you want to share your blog:

Check out my blog @
 You can change this URL at any time, but I must say this: If you are an avid blogger - sharing your posts on every social media possible - I would recommend not doing this. When I changed my URL, some of my first viewers are directed to my old address. It will bring them to a page that says "Blog does not exist" or "Blog is unavailable." In a way, I lose followers if they are not redirected to my new blog. 

   ▸ Choosing a template here is a good idea, but I can show you where and how to pimp it out to make it your own! By clicking the Template tab, then Customize, you can customize your blog to fit your style and preferences!

After finding a Title, Address, and Template, click "Create Blog!"

Click either orange button to start writing a post and letting your ideas and creativity flow out of your mind onto a blog post.

Ta-daaaa! Congratulations! You have made a blog! You are now officially a blogger!

If you have made a blog while reading this post, I just want to say:

Welcome to the Blogging Community where everyone is helpful, creative, and supportive! I am so glad I was able to help you create your own blog!


  1. Lovely post!
    Love that this post helps beginning bloggers. ( ofcourse I already did this step)
    But I know a lot of people, who want to start but just need some help getting up their feet :)


    1. Thank you!
      Yeah, it is a pretty basic and straightforward post. However, while helping a couple of new bloggers out, they had all these questions, and I thought answering those questions in this post would be beneficial for those who may have the same questions.

  2. Thank you so much for this post, it really helped me with my blog! :)

    Rebecca xx
